
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hacked (victimised)!! First experience

Today, I had my first experience as a victim of a intranet based attack. The attack was by a friend and hence nothing severe, but it came as an eye-opener. Here is what happened.

The friend shared this image. This was being hosted from my own computer in one of the 2 folders that had access for all the users on the computer.  
What I had missed out all this while was that my computer had a 'guest' user account made once for some work. The account had one of the most trivial passwords, 'guest123', and it wouldn't take anyone who knew the circumstances under which such an account was created to guess the password.

Now, leaving such a door open and keeping it unchecked was probably the most foolish thing I've ever done. Here I'd like to commend my friend's skill at identifying the weak-spot and hitting it only hard enough to make me feel the pain and yet not bleed.

But this experience does come as an eye-opener. Thanks once again, my friend.

PS : By the way, the guest account was deleted SOON after this security bug was found and the necessary permissions (which seemed best) were allotted to the folder(s). Also, this suggests that I keep an eye on the traffic flowing through my APACHE server.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Bash script for Extracting text

This is a script that I made today to solve a particular problem, but I do realise that many a times I, or anyone for that matter, would need to use something similar. For the same reason, I decided I'd share the script here.

The script was made (as my IITG friends would understand) to extract a set of e-mail addresses from a text file that contained a lot more data. Basically, the file contained the information of each student (Roll no, name, email) in a single line with 'space' as the delimiter. Using this (space as delimiter) characteristic, I extracted the necessary information and dumped it in a file.

while read line
line=${line##* }
echo $line

This script was sufficient to extract the necessary information. The next task was to dump the output into another file. (if the above was saved as

$ cat list| bash > list

This should have been sufficient, but in my case, I had to pass the 'list' file once again through the file to generate the desired result.

Consequently, to create a list with commas, the following thing could be performed.

while read line
do string=$string,$line
echo $string

This takes care of concatenating the strings with a comma in between consecutive elements.

The above set of commands helped me create a list of over 580 e-mail addresses in less than 10 minutes (including the time taken to create the scripts), way faster than the manual method of 'copy-paste'. Note that I call it a manual method.

I hope this tutorial sheds some light on the use and power of simple bash scripts to solve everyday problems and save a lot of time. Do revert in case of any doubts or confusions through comments.

exit(0)    // End of post